by tiffany tagudin

Blood flows like an angry river,
tears of maidens in the creeks
Unspoken caveats from armored soldiers
Huge tanks in the road for weeks

justice was the only thing the hold on to
piles of deaths, ruins, failure and grief
Perilous supremacy that manipulates the nation
citizens of the state are deceived

Long years of extreme oppression
Corruption, poverty and subjugation
each act forms shackles, it poisons the society
knocking down the ideology
a butchery of humanity

They strive and struggle to let the world know
the wrath, the fist, and the ironman’s claw
their voices, their rights, were long forgotten
freedom they seek, they fear will be taken

Now they hold hands
they refuse to surrender
they resist to fight
it’s either now or never

Hope is getting bleak
but the ironman do not heed
to the life that they seek
and the peace that they need

Have you ever thought
or maybe wonder?
How painful it is, how long they suffered?
This will be history, one that you’ll remember
a revolutionized nation
reborn from blood, peace and dirt.


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