Oh, the Simple Things Matter!
By Rania Dawabi

This year, what simple things are you wiling to do to promote peace?
For us Mindanaoans, peace is not just a ceasefire between the rebels and the Philippine government.
For us, peace is having enough food for the family on the table. It is having a roof to shelter our
Mindanao has been barraged by a multitude of problems in the past years - kidnappings, the Maguindanao massacre, and the recent lashing of Typhoon Sendong. But despite all of these, we never cease to hope and pray for peace in 2012 and in the coming years.heads. Peace is walking down the streets without hearing discriminatory remarks, and more importantly, it is coexisting in harmony with people of different faiths.
In my own little way, I want to help and bring change. In my own little way, I want to bring peace to my fellow Mindanaoans, and I can achieve this by doing these simple things:
1. Lend a helping hand.
As everyone welcomes the new year with a festive mood, may we not forget those who have lost their everything - those who have lost peace. I will volunteer in repacking goods and clothes for the victims of Sendong, mainly because I have nothing else to offer but my strength.
2. Greet a stranger.
Assalamu alaikum - Peace be upon you! By wishing other people peace - even strangers, fellow Christians, Muslim brothers - I might help create a community where we all accept our differences with utmost respect.
3. Pray.
This is the simplest yet the most powerful thing that I can do to help promote peace. Calling onto God, the Giver and the Source, is ultimately the strongest form of prayer that I can give not only for my community or for Mindanao, but for the entire Philippines and the rest of the world.
I could go on and on about the other simple things that I'd do to promote peace. "Go on and on" - that's what we all basically need to do to achieve peace! ^_^
*NOTE: This was first posted by Rania Dawabi on her blog as an entry to the OPAPP Peace Planner giveaway promo.

This year, what simple things are you wiling to do to promote peace?
For us Mindanaoans, peace is not just a ceasefire between the rebels and the Philippine government.
For us, peace is having enough food for the family on the table. It is having a roof to shelter our
Mindanao has been barraged by a multitude of problems in the past years - kidnappings, the Maguindanao massacre, and the recent lashing of Typhoon Sendong. But despite all of these, we never cease to hope and pray for peace in 2012 and in the coming years.heads. Peace is walking down the streets without hearing discriminatory remarks, and more importantly, it is coexisting in harmony with people of different faiths.
In my own little way, I want to help and bring change. In my own little way, I want to bring peace to my fellow Mindanaoans, and I can achieve this by doing these simple things:
1. Lend a helping hand.
As everyone welcomes the new year with a festive mood, may we not forget those who have lost their everything - those who have lost peace. I will volunteer in repacking goods and clothes for the victims of Sendong, mainly because I have nothing else to offer but my strength.
2. Greet a stranger.
Assalamu alaikum - Peace be upon you! By wishing other people peace - even strangers, fellow Christians, Muslim brothers - I might help create a community where we all accept our differences with utmost respect.
3. Pray.
This is the simplest yet the most powerful thing that I can do to help promote peace. Calling onto God, the Giver and the Source, is ultimately the strongest form of prayer that I can give not only for my community or for Mindanao, but for the entire Philippines and the rest of the world.
I could go on and on about the other simple things that I'd do to promote peace. "Go on and on" - that's what we all basically need to do to achieve peace! ^_^
*NOTE: This was first posted by Rania Dawabi on her blog as an entry to the OPAPP Peace Planner giveaway promo.
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