Simple Things Can Make a Difference...for Peace
By Roes Estacio
Many people think of peace as something that is extra difficult to achieve, especially here in the Philippines. Being an advocate of peace, I certainly know that achieving genuine peace is not an easy feat. However, this fact shouldn’t stop us from hoping and doing actions to achieve lasting peace.
Every act, may it be big or small, can actually contribute to promoting peace. If we all contribute even by doing simple things, who knows, peace may actually be attainable in our country?
So this 2012 (and beyond), I am promising to practice the following simple actions to contribute in promoting peace:
SMILE. A simple smile can actually bring joy and peace to other people. Smiling makes the environment light and peaceful to live in. Who doesn’t want to be in an environment full of people smiling? J
RESPECT. I believe mutual respect among individuals and groups is the foundation of lasting peace. Everyone deserves respect, no matter how different we are from one another. Practicing respect can be as simple as being considerate to the positions, views and situations of others. Nevertheless, giving respect is something that many people take for granted. Hence, I promise not to forget this in my daily interactions with others.
LEAD. Being a Peace Ambassador, I will continue being a role model to my co-youth and co-Filipinos. I will do my best to be as peaceful as possible at all times. And I will continue organizing and facilitating workshops and events that promote peaceful co-existence among Filipinos, of course with the continuous help of our organization, PeaceTech Inc.
Simple things but will definitely make a difference and contribute to promoting peace. These are my promise for 2012. What are yours?
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